Time fillers: have SS loop back to beginning. Go in different directions with L mouse click or buttons
String url = "https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/adventuretimewithfinnandjake/images/7/7e/Adventure-time_%281%29.png";
String lumpy_url = "https://pngimage.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/adventure-time-princess-lumpy-png-7.png";
String cat_jpg = "https://banner2.cleanpng.com/20180409/xbw/kisspng-grumpy-cat-snowshoe-cat-clip-art-cats-5acc1b13666fc3.5436930415233257154196.jpg";
String cat_png = "http://www.pngmart.com/files/11/Grumpy-Cat-Face-PNG-File.png";
String llama_url = "http://clipart-library.com/images_k/animal-transparent/animal-transparent-7.png";
String toucan_url = "https://www.jing.fm/clipimg/full/234-2345967_toucan-clipart-flying-transparent-toucan-png.png";
String doge_jpg = "https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.174743200.8121/flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.u1.jpg";
PImage img;
PImage lumpy;
PImage cat;
PImage llama;
PImage toucan;
PImage doge;
String url2 = " "; //Paste your own url here!
PImage img2;
int slide = 0;
void setup(){
img = loadImage(url); //loads the image at "url" into "img"
//Load your image into img2 here:
lumpy = loadImage(lumpy_url);
cat = loadImage(cat_png);
llama = loadImage(llama_url);
toucan = loadImage(toucan_url);
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
void draw(){
background(0, 200, 200);
if(slide == 0) {
text("Click the canvas...", width/2, 30);
image(img,300,300,300,300); //displays the image
} else if(slide == 1) {
text("... to go to the next slide!", width/2, 30);
//use the "image" code to call your own image here:
image(lumpy, 300, 300);
} else if(slide == 2) {
image(llama, 300, 400);
} else if(slide == 3) {
image(cat, 300, 300);
} else if(slide == 4) {
text("The End", width/2, 30);
image(toucan, 300, 300);
void mouseClicked() {
slide = (slide + 1)%5;