Made by Students
An Overview of Sentiment Analysis
Can machine learning be used to accurately predict the sentiment of a review?
Using Machine Learning to Predict Climate Change
Can machine learning be used to predict future countries with the highest temperature change using past trends?
Predicting Math Formulas with Machine Learning
How can we use machine learning to predict mathematical formulas? How does measurement error affect the model?
Fracture Prediction Model Using Machine Learning and the Osteoarthritis Initiative Dataset
How can machine learning be used for bone fracture predictions?
Political Word Choice in Online Forums
How well do certain words fare on political subreddits?
Graph Alignment-Based Protein Comparison
Inspired by the question of identifying mechanisms of viral infection, we are interested in the problem of comparing pairs of proteins, given by amino acid sequences and traces of their 3-dimensional structure.
Basic Machine Learning and Classification
Flower Classification
Using Machine Learning to Combat Fake News
Art Genre Classification with Machine Learning
Identifying Melanoma With Deep Learning
Analyzing Trending Youtube Videos with Machine Learning
Predicting Medical Expenses with Machine Learning
Using AI to Predict Vulnerabilities by Age
Predicting Deaths from Overdose using Neural Networks
Stack Overflow Tags with Machine Learning
Neural Network on SHVN Dataset Paper
The problem I aimed to solve with deep learning will use this dataset to solve is training a model to successfully classify skin cancers, which is important for diagnosis.
Machine Learning Fires
This project attempts to analyze game data from Hearthstone, an online card game developed by Blizzard.
Study of the Impact an asteroid collision with earth can have and identified hazardous asteroids based on criteria provided by NASA.
Alvin Studied the impact an asteroid collision with earth can have and identified hazardous asteroids based on criteria provided by NASA. He got very promising results and understood the subject in depth:
Machine Learning Suicide Prediction
Jonathan studied a rather taboo subject involving suicide rates and tried to pin-point factors that influence it within a country and how it relates to each country's economic index. He produced high quality results and found that
Canon vs Fanon? — Distinguishing Fanfiction from Canonical Writing Using a Neural Network
Predicting Air Pollution Levels from Satellite Images Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network
Novel method for improving deep-learning accuracy of diagnosing breast cancer using different image augmentations
Determining the impact of information loss across different image augmentations towards the performance of various convolutional neural networks on classifying mammograms