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Introduction to Processing

[CORE 3a]

Full Course

$1232 USD
Before any discounts or coupons
for 18 hours and additional live student help hours

Class Package

Class Project(s)
Students will have an introduction to classes and create object-oriented projects.

Our Proprietary In-Browser Coding Platform.

The KTBYTE team developed the KTCoder™ with our students in mind! Our platform supports block-based and typed out code in the most popular coding languages: Java, Python, and C++. This revolutionary all-in-one coding platform supports our interactive online classes, our specialized curriculum, and (most importantly) our students' passion for learning.
Live Student Help Hours with Teaching Assistants
Office hours are led by our highly qualified teaching assistants. It is an easy and free way to get immediate feedback on your code. Our homework is difficult - office hours can help you overcome obstacles and develop a stronger understanding of the material!
Student Progress Report
KTBYTE will e-mail parents with behavior and grade progess reports.
Certificate of Completion
Students can request a certificate of completion once they finish the course

Class Description:

In [CORE 3a] students learn computer science through typed-out Java at an early high school level. Classwork and homework problem sets are graded weekly, and students have the option to attend our student help hours for help. Students at this level typically reach college proficiency after 1-2 years of our course progression.


Proficiency in Scratch or similar environments, typing speed of 20wpm, 6th to 7th grade math proficiency or permission of instructor

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A Boolean always resolves to eiter a True or False value. It can be a math equation, or a comparison, but it has to have only one of two possible results. A simple example of a Boolean that returns "true" would be "2 + 2 == 4". This is a statement that always returns true because 2 and 2 always results in 4. We will be using Booleans and mouse clicks to change the color of our screen and build our own slideshow!

Making Buttons, Simon Says

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Functions and Fish Tank

A function is a way to compartmentalize and re-organize our code. We can create special blocks of code, name them, then "call" them in the main body of our code. In this class, we replace our normal "draw" function with several calls to other smaller functions which act as individual "draw" functions. We can use a single funciton to call many smaller commands, and draw complex shapes. Today, we will be creating a fish tank with fish, seaweed, and bubbles!

More Functions and Archery

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Beginning Pong

In this class, we begin the task of making the classic video game: PONG!

Continuing Pong

Now that we've built the rough outline of Pong, its time to start filling it in and adding some polish. We will add a reset function, a score, some cosmetic details, and even a game over screen.

Pong with AI

Now that we have our game of Pong working, lets see how we can program a computer AI to be our opponent. We'll see how programming a perfect AI actually isn't too difficult, but telling it to make mistakes can be challenging.


Students will be learning about how to create, populate, and utilize lists.

Challenge Quiz day!

Today, we will be participating in a challenge quiz createdby our KTBYTE instructors! Students will be tasked with solving computation problems at various skill levels.

While Loops Art Generator

This week, we will be looking at the most basic of loops, the “While” loop. To demonstrate how much time and effort we can save by using this loop, we are going to create a neat art project that uses the loop to draw patterns on the screen!

For Loops and Fibonacci Numbers

This week, we will be learning how to make a "for loop" to allow us to count, repeat, and iterate on code. We will first learn how to use the loop to count, then to generate a array of Fibonacci numbers. Finally, we'll see a way to draw these numbers on the screen and how they relate to the Golden Ratio!

Raindrop Project

Now that we learned a bit about for loops, lets use them to make a project where we simulate rain falling. We'll use arrays to keep track of the position of droplets and make it so we can add more rain drops as simply as changing one value.


Students choose web games to analyze and break down into their component parts.

Projects Continued

Work on your projects during class.

Projects Continued

Worked on projects during class